Young Adults

NY-NJ Eating Disorder Therapy has locations in Midtown Manhattan, NY, and Highland Park, NJ. Appointments are available in-person and online for both locations

The transitions from high school to college, and college to summer internships or to the professional world can be very difficult. For someone who is suffering from a poor body image and low self -esteem, eating and weight problems can emerge or reoccur.

Even when you have had periods of success with controlling your eating, life transitions like the beginning or the end of a school year can often cause setbacks. The loss of privacy caused by having to share a dorm room or having to deal with your family of origin when you return from a year at college can be troubling. Then the added pressures for having to find a job, and present yourself as a professional world add additional stresses.

Hot weather means summer clothes - often a source of anxiety for someone with a negative body image. Having to find just the right thing to wear when you feel like nothing looks good, makes it hard to feel professional or attractive.

It can feel like the pressures are never ending, and you just want to stop having to show up and present yourself to the world. While the pressures feel very real, you don't have to let them take over your life.

We can work together to find the strategies and solutions to each of the obstacles that you are encountering. Whether the issue is finding your first job or coping with the stresses of having to live at home once again with your parents during the summer, I can help you to successfully empower yourself.